Monday, September 10, 2012

Touching Our Aliveness

Aliveness. Animating energy. Divine vibration.

No matter what you call it, maybe we can all agree that it is an electrical energy that courses through our flesh. There is measurable electrical energy in the body: brain waves, neural stimulation of muscles.

Or maybe not... Maybe we can only agree that it is the Breath - the Holy breath which animates the flesh. (Genesis 2 v.7) How do you identify it if you have never noticed it?

Let me attempt to describe what it feels like - to me anyway. Liken it to creating static electricity as you drag your feet on the carpet and then touch something. It creates a tingly shock. Now try to feel millions of these microscopic bursts inside your skin, everywhere, all of the time. Go quiet. Be still.

And be aware of it alone.