Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who are we really?

My husband and I have discovered something truly incredible that we share every time we make love. It is an ecstasy that defies description. Just as trying to define or describe God limits the infinite that God is, any attempt to describe this oneness that we experience only limits the truth of our lovemaking.

In the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah the name which indicates that which is God is Ein Sof, which may be translated as "Infinity" (for it engenders everything) or as "Nothingness," which implies that any definition that is employed in an attempt to delineate God is inadequate because God is beyond definition. All we can describe are the aspects of God/Ein Sof. Likewise, any attempt to put our lovemaking experience into words can only be a description of the aspects of the experience.

There is something that animates our human flesh. It is present while we are alive and absent after we die. As a nurse and a hospice chaplain I have been with many people as they took their last breath. When I was a young RN in ICU I never really noticed the difference in the flesh after a patient died. They were either breathing or not. Even all of those years in the ER did nothing to make me really notice anything but the after effects of resuscitation. There was always a family to talk to or another patient to attend.

It wasn't till I attended my first hospice death that I saw and felt what was so different. After death there is nothing which enervates every little nerve in our body and the flesh is like stone. Quietly witnessing a death without all the activity to save a life changed my whole perspective on the living essence which resides in our body. I held the hand of a young man with AIDs who desperately wanted to live. As he took his last shallow breath, I felt a vibration in my hand that that was holding his. Soon this vibration traveled up my arm, across my shoulder, and through the top of my head. Then it was gone. What could this be but this living energy making its way back to its source?

Most of us spend our entire lives unaware of that energy which is our life force. It makes everything about our physical body work. This is our human infinity as we know not where or whether it begins or ends. We take it for granted because it functions without any assistance from us. It is automatic and life giving. Any definition employed to describe it is inadequate -- a virtual nothingness. It is our own embodied "Ein Sof."

It is my belief that it is this numinous quality that we access when we experience sacred lovemaking.